Enable and setup Thank You email and/or text

After the customer renews the policy, he/she can get an automated Thank You email and/or text. The content of the email and/or text can be customized for each agency and based on how the renewal was done in-person or online. 

Thank You email and/or text content could include: thanking the customer for his/her auto insurance business, surveys, opportunity to provide feedback, informing the customer about other insurance products/services offered by the agency and contact information for the agency.

Enable and setup Thank You email and/or text

  1. Click and open the user profile dropdown menu.

    You can only access BLS Portal if you have sufficient permissions. If you cannot access the BLS Portal, please contact your company's BCAutoRenew administrator.

  2. Select Go to BLS Portal > Company > Manage BC AutoRenew Profiles.
  3. If you do not have any thank you templates defined, follow the instructions on how to Add Thank You Email Template and Add Thank You Sms Template
  4. Scroll down and find "Would you like to send thank you notes to customers who have renewed?and select Yes.

  5. Select email and/or text thank you notes, period and the corresponding templates.
    1. If you select email/text for in-person renewals, thank you email/text will be sent to customers who renewed their policies in person at a brokerage or over the phone.
    2. If you select email/text for online renewals, thank you email/text will be sent to customers who renewed their polices using ICBC Online renewal portal.
  6. Click Save